Exercícios de Inglês

Queridos alunos, aproveitem as explicações de Inglês abaixo e treinem seus conhecimentos, amanhã postaremos as respostas corretas.
Simple Present Tense - Tempo do presente simples - I

Usamos o simple present tense para expressar :
* Fatos:
Ex: Classes start at 1.00 p.m. ( As aulas começam à 1 hora da tarde.)
John lives in London. ( John mora em Londres.)
* Ações habituais . Geralmente empregado com advérbios de tempo como:
Always - sempre
Often - com frequência, muitas vezes
Usually - geralmente
Sometimes - às vezes
Never - nunca
Every day - todos os dias
Dias da semana: On Mondays, On Tuesdays, On Wednesdays...
Ex: I always go to school by bus.
They often play tennis on weekends.
Marc usually watches TV at night.
Louise sometimes goes to the club.
She never eats fast food.
Dad works every day.
We study English on Mondays.
* Verdades universais:
Ex: Birds fly.
The sun rises in the eats.
* Ações futuras relacionadas a horário previamente definido.
Ex: My parents arrive tonight.
I play
You play
He plays
She plays
It plays
We play
You play
They play
Obs. A regra geral diz que, ao conjugarmos um verbo no presente simples, acompanhados de 3ª pessoa ( He, She, It) geralmente acrescentamos S ao final dele.

Let´s practice!
1) Sublinhe a alternativa correta:
a) My brother often (wait / waits) for me after school.
b) He always ( buy / buys) fruit at the street market.
c) You always ( arrive / arrives ) late for class.
d) She usually ( eat / eats ) cereal in the morning..
e) The train ( arrive / arrives ) at 8.00 o´clock every morning.
f) Bob ( like / likes) hamburgers.
g) I ( get / gets ) up early every day.
h) They ( work / works ) hard during the week.
i) It always ( rain / rains) on my birthday.
j) Classes ( start / starts ) next week.
2) Complete as frases com os verbos entre parênteses no simple present e depois escreva o que elas expressam:
Ha ( Habitual action)
Ut ( Universal truth)
Fa ( Future action)
Example: I arrive (arrive) early every morning. ( Ha)
a) I usually _________________ ( take ) a bus to school. ( ______ )
b) Dogs ____________ (bark). ( ______ )
c) The film ______________ (start) at 8.00 p.m. ( _______ )
d) It _____________ (rain) a lot in January. ( _______ )
e) They always ______________ (drive) to work. ( ________ )
f) The plane _____________ ( leave) at midday on Monday next week. ( _______ )
3) Complete as frases com os verbos abaixo.
snows - go - makes - speak - works - plays - live - love - sing - watch
a) Brazilans ______________ Portuguese.
b) My sister ______________ the guitar very well.
c) I ______________ my parents.
d) Mom always ______________ delicious cakes.
e) It _____________ a lot in winter.
f) The children usually _____________ cartoons after school.
g) We ________________ in Brasília,Brazil.
h) You usually _____________ well.
i) Mike _________________ near his house.
j) The boys often ____________ to the park on weekends.


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